Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My little friend

Well Henrietta, the pheasant must have come on hard times or something--she is not around this fall and now we are into winter. Here is a little guy who comes though. He is a nut hatch. He grabs a seed and goes to the tree trunk and head down cracks the sunflower seed open. He sat on that limb for a long time--I watched him and then went to the other side of house for my camera and thought for sure he would be gone before I got back but he waited. Then he grabbed his seed and flew under the limbs.


Wilma Lee said...

I can't see the nuthatch Fran. Is this a game of find the bird??LOL. Beautiful picture though. You know, I love snow too, and will love it more when I retire and don't have to drive to work in it.

Yvonne said...

I had to zoom in on your photo to see the nuthatch. He is so cute. I love to watch the birds.


I read others comments first to see where the little guy was! LOL---so tiny!--he is on the left corner of the feeder. hehehe or so it looks...we dont get those birds here!
we get a lot of hummers but they are way to fast for me :o)) Thanks for sharing pics Franie--you know I love them! *~*CAROLE*~*

Susan said...

Gosh, he was really hiding until I clicked to enlarge. Love the tomatoes, too. =)

Margo in Maine said...

Thanks for visiting my blog....I so enjoyed your photos and your quilts....I have put you in my blog list and will follow...Maine is beautiful but there is something about being on the top of the world....I had a friend in Barrows back a few years ago...they pastored a church there...Have a wonderful Christmas..