Saturday, April 12, 2008

A chunk of coal

Coal is found on the beaches here in Alaska. The guy riding the 4-wheeler in the clam digging photos spotted this big chunk and of course they had to have it. It took three men to get it in the back of the Jeep. Not sure they listened to me but I suggested logs and trees to get it in and that is what they did because they could not get the leverage. We collect small pieces and burn it along with wood when we have a fire in the outside pit or a fire on the beach. One of the clam diggers burns it for heat. That will last him a while. So it is recycle too on the beaches. My father used to collect driftwood for a fireplace on the beach in Maine when I grew up.

1 comment:

Gina said...

What a huge lump of coal. It could have come from us as South Wales is nearly all coal. Where i walk Stanley is built from the waste of the coal mines and when it's wet the mud is jet black and glistens from the coal dust.

love and hugs xxx